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Weaning Baby Off Nipple Shield

Breastfeeding Q&A


At my postpartum visit the lactation consultant gave me a nipple shield to use but she didn’t mention anything about needing to wean from it. Should I try to wean my baby from using it?

Should I wean my baby off the nipple shield?


Nipple shields can be helpful solutions for babies who are having trouble latching, but they are meant to be a temporary solution. For example, there are concerns that using one long term can decrease milk supply. However, if your baby is gaining weight well and you are not experiencing nipple discomfort, there is no major rush to wean from it, especially if it is challenging to do so. You can discuss the appropriate time to wean with your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant. Tips for weaning from the shield include doing nipple shaping and supporting so latching is easier for your baby, pumping a little before latching on so milk starts to flow sooner, compressing your breasts so your baby gets milk faster, and doing lots of skin to skin and encouraging your baby to tap into their latching on instincts. A lactation consultant can offer further tips and in person latching help.