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Skin to skin after 3 months?

Today we’re going to talk about a simple yet POWERFUL therapy that is good for every single newborn and baby on the planet.  It’s science-backed with over 40 years of research and countless benefits. And it’s absolutely primal and goes back to our basic instincts as humans.

It’s called skin-to-skin and you’ve probably heard it mentioned before. Basically nature's way of saying, "Hey there, tiny human, let me warm you up with a hug."

But today we’re going to dive deep into WHY it’s so beneficial, even for older babies.

Hopefully it’ll encourage you to do it earlier and for more prolonged periods after your baby is born because of all it’s magical benefits.

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Skin to skin not just a nice-to-have—it's a biological craving, a primal urge that both you and baby can't resist. Forget about fancy gadgets and high-tech gizmos; this is Mother Nature's original masterpiece, and it's seriously underrated.

One of my favorite books is called The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson.

Everyone knows there are 3 trimesters during a pregnancy, but often overlooked is what happens AFTER birth and the book calls it the 4th trimester.  I argue that skin to skin during that 4th trimester (or 3 months) postpartum is absolutely a game-changer. The more you can do it, the better and the more it’ll promote breastfeeding success.

But beyond that, experts say that the benefits go beyond 3 months as well. All babies love skin to skin, no matter how old they are.

It satisfies all 5 senses for them and perfectly acclimates them to life outside the womb.

So many physiological things going on in both their body AND their brain — it literally connects neurons in their brain .

Again, very primal and this all releases hormones for a more positive postpartum experience for you, helps release the hormones to get your milk going and to calm baby.  Plus, the beauty of skin-to-skin is that it's like the gift that keeps on giving—baby will crave those cuddles long after the infancy days.

Benefits of prolonged skin to skin with baby Beyond 3 Months

  • It helps parents learn baby’s hunger cues so they can respond and breastfeed them on demand so baby never misses a feeding opportunity. 

  • Helps baby get back to breast after a nursing strike

  • Helps baby fall asleep who’s having trouble sleeping

  • Calms a crying baby

  • Helps a baby who is fussy at the breast

  • Helps increase milk supply

I don’t want you just to think of doing skin to skin with baby as just a short cuddle every other day for a little bit. 

I’d love for you to think of going back to it as much as possible. 

It’ll increase your breastfeeding success, help baby gain weight faster and it’ll boost all the magical hormones for you and baby to bond and increase your attachment.  So skin to skin for the win!!!!