9 Awesome Breastfeeding Poems

breastfeeding poems

It’s a GREAT idea to take a simple and affordable breastfeeding class. Breastfeeding is something you need to LEARN to do. The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class is on-demand and perfect for new moms.

Poem About Realities Of Daily Breastfeeding

Ringlet on arm,

Lips on breast.


Scratch, scratch,

Scratching my thigh.

Your body curling into mine.


In bed.

-Carla Molina at All Of Me Now

Poem About Dealing With Breastfeeding Criticism

Let Them Judge

Mama, let them judge.

They are going to “unapprove” anyways.

Some people will just be critical no matter what you say.

What does your heart say?

Mama, what does your heart say?

You know your baby from the inside out.

Do not let those from the outside instill their doubt.

-J. Kontos at Counseling Mama

Poem About Pumping In The NICU

A photo sits beside me, a machine plugged in.

The whirl of suction motors, tissues in the bin.

Milk drips into plastic, ounce after precious ounce.

Arms longing for my baby, to kiss and hold and bounce.

Wall clocks tick-tock and cold plumps hum low.

Through endless NICU days and nights painfully slow.

A voice within me whispers, ‘Keep going, don’t you stop.”

I’m pumping for my baby and there’s love in every drop.

-Grainne Evans at The Breast Of Rhymes 

Poem About Breastfeeding A Toddler

Nursing a Toddler

Nursing a toddler

Is not always fun.

It seems that nothing else 

Ever gets done.

Nursing an infant

Is peaceful and sweet,

But nursing a toddler

With mud on his feet?

With peanut butter mouth

And a handful of cheese.

He pushes you down and

Climbs onto your knees.

He positions himself

‘Til he’s comfy and steady.

Then he tugs on yoru blouse

So you know that he’s ready.

You look down and smile

And you give him a drink,

Knowing those dishes

Are piled in the sink,

Knowing the clutter

Is still on the floor,

Hoping that nobody

Comes to the door.

Oh, heck, you lean down

And you give him a kiss.

What can you do

More important than this?

-Maryann Malecki from La Leche League News, 1987

Poem About Pumping At Work


Leaky body

Spreading fluid

Spreading itself

All over the building.

I spread myself thin

Over time and space

And other’s demands.

I spread liquid gold

All over my fingers, into a bowl

Until bruises appear

Marking my disciplined body.

I spread a body that is not supposed to be

In here…

The place of thoughts, ideas and theories

Leaves no room for me right now.

My unruly body manifests itself

Asks for attention, time, and space

It is painfully here

A matter out of place.

-Noortje at Poetry at Work

A Breastfeeding Haiku

The smell of your skin

Cuddling you into my chest

Let the life milk flow

—Melynda Petersen at Kelly Mom

Poem About Breastfeeding In Public

Anytime. Anywhere. You can stare, I don't care. I'll feed my hungry child, here or there, if you don't like my boob I still don't care. A Restaurant? A store? It's boob juice galore! A theater? A museum? But your more focused on trying to see them! Bottle or boob Its all just food. You still think I should cover? You should run and tell your mother. Pull out your phone and take a picture? But I'm the one who's the problem? Don't you wish we could all mind our business? That would sure solve them! Think I am disgusting? I could say the same? Think I am playing an attention seeking game? You are wrong because you see, really I am only worried about the comfort of my baby and me!

-Whitney from The Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook Group

Poem About Weaning From Breastfeeding

We will find a new way to love

Each other, new bonds, new comforts.

You probably won’t remember suckling

At the teat.

But I will.  I will never forget.

But then I realize it’s time, and I point

To a square on a calendar and say, Here.

This day, we quit.

When I pick the date, I nurse you to

Sleep for a nap.

And I stare at your little body in my

Arms, not so little

Anymore.  I weep onto your body.  Will I

Know how to comfort you? 

-Jessica Bates from Birth & What Came After

Our 3 Fav Breastfeeding Products

🌛 1. This nursing bra is the absolute BEST for breastfeeding at night. It’s super comfortable and made of the softest material ever. You’ll want to wear it forever to sleep in, even after you’re done breastfeeding.

💪 2. Boost supply and tone up postpartum. Milk Dust is protein powder made just for breastfeeding moms. It nourishes and tones postpartum bodies (and contains milk boosting ingredients too!)  Get 10% off Milk Dust using the code MILKOLOGY at checkout

🤱 3. If your nipples are sore, these are an absolute lifesaver. They’re super cheap, can be worn for multiple days (perfect when you’re trying to get a good latch), and are soooo soothing.


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